A Brief History of Technology in Education


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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Evaluation of Software #3:Microsoft Student Encarta kids 2008


Microsoft Student Encarta kids 2008

Figure 1
Product Features
• A full set of study aids that help get homework done right the first time
• Students can find trusted and up-to-date information quickly and easily using Encarta Premium 2008
• Mathematical tools help students tackle math and science problems quickly and easily
• Tools for completing foreign language assignments and a full-featured dictionary to help translate and conjugate
• Includes more than 1,000 book summaries that help students understand some of the most commonly studied literary works
Microsoft Student includes a wide range of tools and resources for students. Encarta kids are specifically for ages seven years and up. All information is just one click away. This software is quite attractive and brightly colored which makes it quite appropriate for the age group. Parents do not have to be there for kids to use this software, as it is very simple to use, however there is an area for parental control.
According to Jerome Bruner, Discovery Learning uses Cognitive psychology as a base. Discovery learning is "an approach to instruction through which students interact with their environment-by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies, or performing experiments" (Ormrod, 1995, p. 442) The idea is that students are more likely to remember concepts they discover on their own. Teachers have found that discovery learning is most successful when students have prerequisite knowledge and undergo some structured experiences. (Roblyer, Edwards, and Havriluk, 1997, p 68). Modern technology can now provide Simulations are another area where computer technology can support children's learning. (http://copland.udel.edu/~jconway/EDST666.htm)

Microsoft student has many subjects areas: which includes; History, Science, Reading, Writing and many others. This software is indeed an all inclusive package. It includes templates and tutorials to assist the child to understand the topic. In addition, Microsoft Encarta Kids helps students with homework and encourages them to learn in a fun and appealing way. Encarta provides encyclopedia articles, photos and illustrations, videos and animations, audio, maps, and Web links.

There is also an Encarta search bar that allows easy access to the content you require. There are also games in Microsoft Student, therefore when the child is tired doing Home Work, he can go to a game of his choice, that is fun and educational as well. There are also navigation keys for: world Atlas, panoramas and tours and timeline. This is used to explore maps, do virtual tours and view 3D sites.

Encarta Dictionaries are very helpful to the students as it allows to easily find definitions of words by simply typing the word in the search engine. There is also an option to double click on words to find the meaning in seconds. The additional dictionary tools include: thesaurus, translation and verb conjugation.

I would recommend Microsoft students for all parents and teachers to install for their children. It is in fact software of modern day with modern technology, tools and information readily available.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Evaluation of Software: IXL Pre-K First Grade Mathematics Software

Product Information
Software: IXL Pre-K First Grade Mathematics Software
IXL is a Web-based educational tool that makes practicing math fun. Students can take on challenges that help them master the skills necessary to perform up to their standards. With unlimited math problems and over 1000 topics, students never get bored!
In addition to the unparalleled practice opportunities, IXL also offers a powerful reports component that teachers and parents can use to monitor student progress closely.
Widely recognized as the Web's most comprehensive math site, IXL offers a dynamic and fun environment for students to practice math. Packed with features that keep kids engaged and keep parents and teachers informed, IXL is the tool of choice for math achievement.

Evaluation of Software :
This program is a drill and practice software designed for first grade students. The software allows students to practice and explore areas in Mathematics and is available online. It adequately covers the concepts and skills required for first grade Math students.
Another outstanding feature of this program is that, it allows you to select a skill and/or challenge of your choice, despite not being a member. Non-members can do up to twenty different Math related problems.
There are diverse options to answer “problem based questions”, therefore students will be engaged, for it is dynamic enough to capture and hold their interest. This Mathematics software is age appropriate, and there is an audio option that enables practice for students with slower reading abilities.
The student can choose the category and level that is suited to them or can be assisted by the teacher. All problems given are shown in a variety of interesting and fun ways. There are extensive and immediate feedback activities and tools that allow teachers to properly assess their students and assist them in problem areas.
To link behaviorism to drill and practice software, according John Watson, he introduced the term behaviorism and stressed the importance of repetition:"The more frequent a stimulus and response occur in association with each other, the stronger the habit will become." This focus on repetition is seen in the drill and practice tutorials often associated with students learning basic skills.
Also, B.F. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning stressed that "a response followed by a reinforcing stimulus is strengthened and therefore more likely to occur again." The educational implications of classical conditioning dictate students should experience academic tasks and contexts that encourage pleasant emotions. Skinner urged educators to focus on reinforcement and student successes rather than on punishing student. failures. (https://www.msu.edu/~yorkrobe/Webb/Final/lt_behaviorism.htm)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Evaluation of Software - Education Technology

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is a computer software (version 12) program that teaches proper typing techniques. Mavis Beacon is the name of the "teacher" in the series. However, Mavis Beacon is not a real person—she is "the Betty Crocker of cyberspace." Renee Lesperance is the model whose photo serves as the face of Mavis Beacon (http://www.mahalo.com/mavis-beacon)
The Product:
Mavis Beacon is a tutorial software program produced by Borderbund Software. While the program itself isn’t available in an online format, it is available for a free trial download, requiring a purchase after the trial period.
Manufacturer's Description
It’s fun and easy to improve your keyboarding skills, especially when you have an experienced teacher. Mavis has taught millions of people how to type, from complete beginners who hunt and peck for the right key, to keyboarding professionals who want to polish their skills.
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 12 is the fast, easy and entertaining way to become the best typist you can be. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing® 12 means better typing guaranteed! (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mavis-Beacon-Teaches-Typing-Version/dp/B0001X9IFY)

Relevance and suitability of software
This program is an easy to use software. It is filled with age appropriate content, with fun exciting games and a personalized keyboard. The “finger positions” on the software allows you to master correct finger positioning. This software also allows students to enter their names, therefore students performance and achievement is easy to track and assessment of progress and typing speed is easily accessible. Typing instructions are available in both English and Spanish.
This program offers a variety of teaching methods to suit all learning styles. A user’s guide is available together with audio and visual aids to assist with problem areas. There is a game hallway of fun games that gives you the opportunity to build skills while having fun. A personal coach is available in a classroom setting who guides you through all the steps. You can also check your progress and get quick help.
I would strongly recommend Mavis Beacon to all beginners and those who would like to enhance their typing skills.
Follow the link below for “Mavis beacon Teaches Typing, Version 12”